Monday, January 01, 2007

1. Post of the day:
Jamming guitar and violin is a great idea, especially when you are kinda drunk. I never thought the Ultima VI song "Stones" sounds so similar to some of Coldplay's greatest hits! I am NOT stoned.

2. Article of the day:
Wild Predictions for a Wired 2007

I love how they said "HD-DVD is the clear winner over Blu-ray in the DVD format wars. Oh yeah, and the PS3 is a bust."

Wii truly is becoming the Mac entry of the console war. Creative and...weeeeee?

3. News of the day:

The ice mass is going haunt us later. And when you talk about the mass, its about 11,000 football fields, or roughly the size of Manhattan, New York.

Out of all the articles, this one has a catchy line:
Ice shelf breaks free in Canada - No, not Quebec

It has nothing to do with Quebec, yet here it is. Canadian media are humorous after all. Even before the doomsday scenario!

4. Video of the day:
Worst burglar - You have to watch it in full to understand how the burglar screwed up in every single scenario.

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