Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pay the writer you mutafakas!

2nd thought on changing career? ha...

Friday, November 23, 2007

もののけ姫 - 久石譲

Much closer to calmness...

Women of Ararat

Iraq. Summer 2003. Nobody, except our driver, knows where we are heading to. After 800 kms of desert and crossing illegaly the kurdish frontline, we reach our destination, a mountain range at the border of Irak, Iran and Turkey. This is a strategic point controlled by the kurdish rebels of the PKK. Among them are 3000 women. They have founded their own army and live separated from the men.

We are the first Western crew to have filmed their lives.

A haunting story about war, sadness, and women...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

No more moral debate...stem cell breakthrough!

Truly is indeed like "turning lead to gold"!

In the next 5 to 10 years...there will be an exploding amount of researching and findings streaming from this result...for sure.

Time to hm...prepare for the Blade Runner world now I guess?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rome's myth...not a myth anymore?

Remember the tale where the she-wolf suckled the two brothers to build Rome? It was a FACT...well at least not completely fake...

I wonder if those Chinese myth are true...hell who knows, maybe we did have a catastrophic event and there was a female taikonaut who repaired the atmosphere?

Howl Moving castle theme - OST performed by composer

It will get will.