Saturday, September 22, 2007

Germany vs China (cont.)

"Thats so damn fucking true..."

"...this is just sad...Beijing 2008....we are fuck your lungs!"

"This is the weakest ones in my opinion...but still, I guess that express their interest in each other's culture?"

"One child policy for the WIN!"

"I LOL on this hahaha!"

More more more!


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Germany vs China

"Obviously Chinese don't think straight...they always think you are up with something?"

We have 1.3 Billion .... so I guess a little crowded is inevitable...

"Being late is one of the virtue of Chinese people. It shows that you're...important!"

That's what Facebook is for!

I don't think its fair 'cause I see ... even some gaijin do that!

A picture worth a thousand words...this guy do know about the differences between Germany and China!

Anyways, from now on I will post on this site with EXTREMELY interesting news and blog posts only, for ESWN did a much better job in assimilating and processing news for me than myself...