Saturday, February 24, 2007

1.News of the day
"I heard a loud boom"
Dick Cheney heard a loud boom...I wish he feel it up close and personal instead of "hear" it so he know how its like to face death...that he will think again before he support the deployment of another xx,xxx troops to the inferno.

2.Quote of the day
"Go fxck yourself."
- Dick Cheney to Sen. Patrick Leahy, during an exchange on the Senate floor about profiteering by Halliburton, June 25, 2004

3.Article of the day
All you want to know about Halliburton
This is "our" side, just numbers...and as you always knows they are just "facts", and it has a liberal bias...

4.Video of the day
The youtube of a suicide bomber
This is just sad...he can be a doctor, but he rather blow himself up...for...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

1.News of the day
Mark April 13, 2036 On Your Calendar
Mark that date! Look at the picture above....and....@#$^#%*&!

This may be the end of human race...oh wait, just Californians, or West Coast of N. America.

Hm...maybe not that bad afterall!

2.Quote of the day
"al-Azhar University...the university of terrorism"
- Abdel Kareem Nabil, blogger jailed for denouncing Islamic authorities and criticized President Hosni Mubarak on his Arabic-language blog

3.Article of the day
Google Apps: Vista my arse?
Maybe not that soon...unless Google can provide international WiFi access for free with super high speed connection, I don't think people will prefer their data all up the air WHILE suffering slow speed...

Oh wait its so cheap....but HEY, THERES MICROSOFT. And there is CHINA.

Even my Canadian friends know where to get those bootleg copies....Don't be evil. Don't be stupid too.

4.Video of the day
TV ad about...Terrorist
When you have this TV ad showing up in your city, get out. I feel really bad for you. Or this is some absurd scene in Hollywood's movie?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

1.News of the day
"Thats why you go away"
This is truly one of the "LOL" moment in Iraq war. When Bush is begging for more troops, Tony just tell him that "we're out!"

Yes, its a different part of Iraq (Basra), the damage is already done.What amazes me is the amount of spin that Bush administration can do.

"We will stand down when they stand up."
things are going pretty well"
"The coalition remains intact and, in fact, the British still have thousands of troops deployed in Iraq"
"British have been steadfast allies in Iraq and they will continue to be"


2.Quote of the day
"Arbeit macht frei" ( Work makes free)
- slogan placed at the entrances to a number of Nazi concentration camps

3.Article of the day
A New Yorker's case against Rudy Giuliani
This is an interesting story. Read the conclusion first and think about it. Leader and I seeing something familiar?

Which makes me wonder how can such an article attacking a popular libreal figure appears in a liberal magazine...oh wait...what party he's from?

4.Video of the day
Rock climbing
Amazing video of a man trying to save himself from a fire, 36 stories above ground in Hong Kong.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

1.News of the day
Baby shave me one more time
Instead of bombing news across Thailand and India, this generates more news articles in N.America...

WTF...or maybe thats the norm.

2.Quote of the day
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
-Mao Zedong (1893 – 1976)

3.Article of the day
Why China Hates Satellite Guided Missile
Remember the day china shoots down the satellite? The hate dates back all the way to 1999...

In Sarajevo, when an F-117A Stealth Bomber got shot down, rumors has that the parts of the plane were in the Embassy of China in Sarajevo.

And the rest is history...

4.Video of the day
Dim Sum of All Fears
The term Frenemy as described by Stephen Colbert...go to mininova and download the Feb 13 2007 Colbert Report! Freakin hailorious!