Thursday, March 27, 2008

If I mispoke, that was just a misstatement.

Back in 1996, Mrs. Clinton visited Bosnia amid "Heavy sniper fire"

O RLY? Lets see...

Thats right up there with "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky." - and receiving oral sex is NOT the agreed-upon definition of sexual relations. So, anyone wanna give oral sex...meng?

Anyway, I really think Hilary Clinton just got owned. She is more like a republican to me everyday...or I already got Obamaed?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Man eater - une croquese d’hommes

Who's that?

Its good to be in power I guess.

What's not to love? A taller hotter ex-suppermodel wife that will dress appropriately so you can still be taller at royal gatherings. Thats a real man eater indeed.

The verdict: Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's air hostess chic